
Housing cooperative meeting, 4 postponement statements

Postponing a housing cooperative meeting by a few months may not seem like a significant matter, but it can have unintended consequences such as increased costs and, in the worst case, impact on housing quality. The postponement of general meetings also has societal implications.

Statement 1: Housing cooperative meeting can be arranged later without worry.

True and false, depending on what is included in the meeting’s agenda. Housing cooperative’s meetings must be held no later than September (in Finland), regardless of exceptional circumstances. However, the timing of the meeting, whether in the fall or spring, may not necessarily be more advantageous.

The most important thing is to understand the consequences of postponing a housing cooperative’s meeting. If the meeting was intended to decide on a renovation, the entire project will be delayed. Depending on the urgency of the renovation, postponing it can have costly repercussions that manifest later as increased maintenance fees.

Statement 2: Postponing renovations with a few months doesn’t create unpleasant consequences.

Unfortunately, it’s a myth in many cases. Not everything can be postponed. When renovation is delayed, it can lead to the emergence of new renovation needs. Postponing renovations does not make the process easier, but rather increases costs.

For example, if the roof is leaking, it may be necessary to replace the attic insulation and potentially conduct interior renovations as well. In the worst case, delaying such a renovation can have implications for housing health. When related renovations need to be carried out, the backlog of necessary repairs starts to accumulate.

Although the construction industry may be heading towards a downturn and it is expected that contract prices will decrease, the growing need for renovations can still come as a surprise to the housing company in terms of costs.

Statement 3: Postponing renovation decision doesn’t affect the availability of workers.

Myth. Delayed renovation decisions directly affect construction companies: a lack of projects can even drive some of them to bankruptcy.

When many housing cooperative’s postpone their general meetings until the autumn, there will be a massive surge in renovations at some point. When the housing cooperative wants to start a renovation, it may not be easy to find available contractors, and projects may be delayed for that reason as well. The housing companies that initiated the bidding process first will have the opportunity to start their renovations first.

Statement 4: Eventhough we postpone decision making, we can begin the renovation at any time.

True and false, depending on the nature of the renovation. In any case, sufficient time should be allocated for creating a repair program and project planning, as well as for decision-making.

When creating a repair program, one factor that can expedite the process is the utilization of visual design. When renovation options can be presented in a realistic manner, decision-making becomes much easier.

However, it is important to remember that construction is somewhat seasonal. Not all renovations can be carried out during the winter months. For example, outdoor renovations and surface coating work for facade renovations need to be done at times other than the freezing winter months. Similarly, carrying out window renovations in winter can be inconvenient for residents.